How to monitor heart disease exacerbation.

How to monitor heart disease exacerbation.

For many heart disease patients, acute coronary stenosis or obstruction causes a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle.  It can occur at any time and anywhere.  Because it can be fatal, recognizing the symptoms promptly will help increase the chances of survival.

Symptoms of Heart Disease Exacerbation

Most heart diseases are caused by acute coronary stenosis or obstruction that result in:

  • Chest pain from the left side and radiates to neck, arm or jaw
  • Chest tightness for more than 20 minutes
  • Sweating
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Dizziness and light-headedness
  • Shortness of breath or grasping for breath
  • Nausea, vomiting, black out
  • Dyspepsia – discomfort in upper abdomen
  • Fatigue 

When Can Heart Disease Exacerbation Occur?

Heart disease exacerbation can occur at any time – regardless of whether you are exercising, performing other activities, sleeping restfully, or felling stressed. When you notice its symptoms and are still conscious, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible – especially within the first 120 minutes in order to open the artery blockage.

Risk Factors of Heart Disease Exacerbation

The followings are risk factors of acute heart disease exacerbation:

  • Diabetic
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Abdominal obesity
  • Consumption of high fat food
  • Lack of exercise
  • Stress
  • Smoking 

However, people who do not have the above conditions may still face acute heart disease exacerbation also.


How Can Heart Disease Exacerbation Become Fatal?

In heart disease patients, their conditions can be so exacerbated and severe that they die before reaching the hospital due generally to heart failure.  This occurs when the heart muscle loses its ability to pump blood properly that results in insufficient blood circulation.  Consequently, the heart muscle become more constricted, so much that the heart no longer circulate blood in the body and eventually stops beating.

Heart Disease Patients Should Have Regular Cardiovascular Checkups

Keeping your regular doctor’s appointment, taking prescribed medication, strictly follow you doctor’s advice, exercising regularly, keeping your weight within the proper range, eating food that is good for your heart, and keeping your stress level in check – all these factors will help heart disease patients prevent acute heart disease exacerbation.

Heart Disease Specialist

Dr. Chattanong Yodwut Cardiologist, Bangkok Heart Hospital

Click here for an appointment!

Hospital Specialized in Cardiomegaly

Cardiology Clinic at Bangkok Heart Hospital is ready to treat any of acute heart disease conditions by our specialized team of medical experts and multidisciplinary healthcare professionals, as well as state-of-the-art clinical equipment, for our patients’ long healthy lives. 


For more information, please contact

1st Floor, Bangkok Heart Hospital
Service Hours: Monday-Sunday 07.00 a.m. – 04.00 p.m.